You have chosen the Chariot and the King of Wands. This is a time of the comings and goings to do with your career. It's about things that will happen and get off the ground for now is a time for new contracts and directions. Your spiritual side is moving in a much more positive direction right now and the Chariot is linked closely to the star sign Cancer which means you're feeling very sensitive towards your home and your environment. You have quite a fixed focus, especially when it comes to y our career. Your focus can be rigid. You crave adventure and you're very creative. You're hard working and you get on with things. Being physically active you like to be in charge. You're happy to work hard yourself but you have a love of walks and the outdoors but you're always on a mission. Always looking to start something new and you have exactly the right balance. You have faith in yourself and your abilities and you have the drive, energy and determination that get through the obstacles that come your way. You're able to harmonise your mental and physical abilities and you get through things with hard work and willpower. This is your reward, for you feel that the struggle makes you a stronger character. At the moment you're looking for a comforting atmosphere to surround you. Listen to your intuition and it will guide you for you have an increased sensitivity as long as you're able to express your ideas through your initiative you'll be fine. You need to keep finding new ways though for the appropriate channels to help with the enthusiasm you have for life. You love a challenge, anything that is innovative and independent helps you but at the moment you're discovering feelings to do with the material and emotional security in which you can provide yourself with a base. This will help you with the knowledge that there is a safe place in waiting that belongs to you. People see you as hard and quite tough. You're a true survivor, but you are vulnerable like the rest of us and deeply fearful of loneliness and rejection. You movement towards your goal is always subtle but you have an earthy base. This means that you have a security that's provided by either your job, a role in a professional group or a social setting or it comes from having a close family around you. Either way home comforts are just as important as your job. You are doing just fine.