You have chosen the Chariot and the 4 of wands.The 4 of wands deals with your home and whether or not you're considering buying, renting or moving. It shows that your material security needs to be looked at right now. It's moving in a very positive way. It's the environment around you that you need to reflect the person you are. It's a home card. A house card. It's about the consolidation of a project to do with something quite physical. It's a very positive card. It ensures that there's an investment to be made, in either moving or owning a property or a dwelling. The Chariot is telling you you're being moved in a very positive way right now, for you've now connected more to your spiritual side and you're using your intuition to move things in a very positive direction. Things are happening and getting off the ground and this is about the comings and goings of life. You're taking on new contracts and new directions and it's a time to consider a contractual move to do with the signing up for a dwelling or an environment that you would call home or a business. This is the link to you that you're being asked to look at right now. You will need lots of drive and energy in order to help you get through the obstacles you may now be facing. This will demand a perfect physical ability in which you can negotiate the best deal. You've really got to use your mental thinking in order to control the action of how you want this to go, for the more you do your homework the better bargain you will get. Hard work is definitely here, but don't give up, keep on trying even if this is not to own your own dwelling keep thinking about the fact that you could. This is a tricky time, and if you are buying your own property you've got to make sure that you're getting plenty of rest and working extremely hard, with your sole focus of making sure that you come out of this feeling that you've achieved everything that your heart's desire has set out.
You need to feel that you've achieved the maximum for yourself with the satisfaction of knowing that you've got the best financial deal that you could get. This is a place that you could call home. This is very positive. It's going to be an inspiring place to live and work from. You can be creative for the Chariot is inspiring you to use your spiritual inspiration to lead you to the next positive step.