You have chosen the Chariot and the 4 of Swords.The Chariot means you're moving in a very positive direction particularly when it comes to your spiritual side. It's now time for some time out and to go into your spiritual side. The way in which you need to do this is to take some strength in reserve. It's a period of rest. You're being asked to do nothing, to go into exile and enjoy your own company. It's some time out for you. You need some sanctuary. You need the solace and the time to think about how you need to recover, and the stillness that you gained from this retreat will help you move in a positive direction with lots of determination and drive when you're ready. Life is taking on some real challenges for you and everything is leading you into some new contracts and directions, which is why you need to plan and conserve your energy right now ready for this very busy time. You will be coping with your abilities and so it is time now to gather your strength in reserve, for you'll need the energy to surmount some of the obstacles that are coming along but it's a very enterprising time and you will realise that you're coping with a mental and physical abilities that possibly you never realised you had. It's going to be really satisfying and totally rewarding for you. You will have lots of enthusiasm about your new plans and directions and it may be a difficult slog but an enjoyable one. It will be very important for you to provide yourself with somewhere where you have a base to sit and think about what to plan next, for you are surprisingly tough and a definite survivor but like all of us you need a place that reflects who you are. Any links with travel to do with on the road will be especially good for you right now, for the Chariot shows that everything is working in a very positive direction to do with links with the road. Your spiritual side is leading to your intuition guiding you through the next phase and your retreat will show you how to plan a strategy that will allow you to develop a particular need for your journey into the future.