You have chosen the Chariot and the 5 of wands.The 5 of Wands shows there are physical battles going on around you. It's a mock battle, don't worry but you're being challenged and this is causing you to have many daily setbacks. These mock battles are to do with the struggles going on with other people. There is a lot that you need to sort out and some organisation needs to really come into play here for people are all over the place. Nobody really knows what the other one's doing and so tempers are flying. You need to diffuse the situation to the best of your ability. You may be the one that has to direct that energy into something that's a little bit more positive, so this confusion is not causing any setbacks, particularly when this comes to matters of work or the family. Because it's a wand, it's probably linked to your career matters so it just shows that everything's really mixed up right now and you need some definite organisation to go on here, and what better card than the Chariot to help you sort that out. The Chariot is here to help you. Use your confidence within yourself and have faith in your own abilities. It represents everything about you, you're strong, dynamic and full of energy and you really have to negotiate some obstacles right now. That's this minor matter of these people. You've got to get round these obstacles with the best of intentions for everyone and that means using your willpower and your mental and physical attributes which will help you. There's plenty of hard work, but you've got to really show yourself a talent that perhaps you didn't really know you had. Your spiritual side is moving in a very positive way right now, and anything linked with short journeys or transport will be extremely good, particularly those links that are on the road for the Chariot is not air or sea travel; it has links of comings and goings with transportation that takes the road. These things help you, guide you into a new concept of taking directions and contracts further than you thought possible, for your sheer determination and grit is helping lead you into new areas that you really never knew you had the skill to do. Perhaps you're thinking of going for promotion or you're thinking of running your own business. Keep thinking positive thoughts and show yourself what you can achieve. That way then you'll realise that you really have faith in your own abilities.