You have chosen the Chariot and the 8 of wands.The 8 of Wands is about your work and travel. Everything is in mid flight on its way to you. It's a very positive time. Things will happen quite quickly and good news is on its way to you rather fast. This is usually a time offer of within 8 weeks and it can be seen as travel, love and career. So it's quite a mixed card for it represents very positive things all linked to you on the move, making things happen. The Chariot is also a moving card for it deals with the transportation of things that happen on the ground so it is not linked to air travel. It is about the comings and goings and things that happen on the ground. It shows that your spiritual side is moving in a very positive direction. You're using your intuition and your gut feeling to guide you and you're being really positive which is having a very good effect particularly when it comes to matters of work but this is a time of new contracts and new directions. It is linked to your sensitivity and your empathy towards other people. You have extremely good skills and you must start to have some faith in yourself, particularly in your own abilities; you really do have the courage and determination to get through a lot of obstacles. You need to realise that, and that will help you with your drive and your energy so that you're not feeling flaky when it most matters. This card is representing your mental and physical abilities, which really shows that you can make it happen providing you're determined enough, and providing you're courageous enough to have the willpower to make sure it happens. There may be some obstacles but you'll enjoy the actual challenge of proving to yourself just how well your negotiation of these obstacles is. You may find that you've got some skills and talents that you perhaps never even knew you had.