You have chosen the Chariot and the Ace of Cups.The Chariot is a wonderful card for it deals with the sensitivity you have. It's a time of comings and goings about the things that happen and get going on the ground, so it's to do with you moving around and making things happen. It's coming from a spiritual side of you that's moving in a very positive direction right now. This is a time for you to make new contacts and change many directions. This is the will and the force of your personality that's ensuring your survival for what you want from life. You're attached now to new beginnings. There's a new love affair coming in. This is coming from the heart. You really are going to enjoy what you're doing. It's a very lucky time. There's the opportunity here for you to bring out all those wonderful emotions inside of you. The message is that you can get this just right and to be really happy. This is the birth of a beautiful and new emotion for you. It's about the desire, joy and contentment that goes within your life. It's a time of action for you where you've got the faith in your own abilities so that you make things happen. It's your assertiveness, your drive and your energy. This is helping you get through the obstacles that are coming your way, and it shows that your physical and mental abilities are doing just fine. In fact you're controlling everything by sheer willpower. You've got to keep going because you're doing really well and you're learning a lot along the way; but it's about the ability you have that helps you feel connected with your past that's making you respond to the present moment. This is about the need you have to give and receive physical affection. It's about the safety and comfort that is expressed by many people in many different ways for example you may be satisfying your feelings by being part of a loving family or it may be your work that satisfies you. That direct involvement with other people is giving you a huge emotional and physical security. You're responding to the emotional and you're realising that you've got the ability to value what you want. This is to do with your physical and emotional well-being and, yes, in the past you felt vulnerable, fearful and dependent but now you've realised that you're not controlled by others and you're realising your feelings need an outlet; therefore it's helping you to provide a comforting atmosphere that is surrounding you.