You have chosen Temperance and the 2 of Swords. This deals with a partnership or a pair. You are choosing not to see things very clearly with someone else. You're a little bit undecided as if you don't know what to do. You're being asked to live on the edge. This is quite negative of you, you really need to look at what you've got for it's quite productive. You just need to get rid of the fear factor. Mentally you're lacking confidence but the Temperance card is here to help you, for it's showing that this is a time for you to have some fun. You need to get out there and socialise a lot more instead of being so studious and taking life a little too seriously. You've got one foot firmly on land and you need to test things very gently, at your own pace. It's time to mix and blend everything in moderation and to be sociable and start having some fun particularly when it comes to your hobbies so you must find something that you are interested in, and mixing and blending that with your work situation and your home life. It's time for you to discover new lands, a holiday would be excellent, don't hum and hah about things, make sure it happens. It's a time for you to heal, to get over the lack of confidence that you have been struggling with for some time. For the Temperance card is working with Sagittarius and Sagittarius is all about adventure and having a go, and not worrying about the outcome. If you didn't have a good time, don't do it again, move on to something else that stimulates you, into having more fun. This is also linked to long distance travel, so if you're thinking of taking a trip: or a journey to a far away place, now is the time. Don't hold back, stop seeing negative problems that aren't really there. It's just your lack of faith in yourself and a little lack of confidence that stops you from having these wonderful times. You really need to look at life and see it as an adventure. There's lots of mysteries and fun for you to explore, for it's time for you to pursue some knowledge, whether it's physical or intellectual, something that will expand the horizons and broaden your view of life. You can easily get bored with keeping to the same humdrum way of life. You'll need plenty of freedom to move from one project to another because not everything you try will be exactly what you're looking for, but it's finding that fresh enthusiasm through lots of variety of experience for you to learn.