You have chosen Temperance and the 2 of Pentacles. You've been juggling your finances, struggling hard. In fact it feels that you've been robbing Peter to pay Paul. The struggle with your finances has maybe meant that you've had to hold down two part time jobs. You know that you are walking a very tight line and indeed there may be a new offer of some work, or even the opportunity to make a transfer in the work that you already do. But the Temperance card is suggesting you have a long way to go in a very pleasant way. You have more of an ambitious streak to your personality now, than ever. You're careful enough to try out something new, while holding on to the old. You're able to mix and blend and now is the time to learn to take everything in moderation. It is time to mix and blend with other people, to find out about different cultures, to find out about different education and different lands for the Temperance card is linked to travel and higher learning. It shows your potential to do really well. The answers lie within mixing and blending what you have at the moment and reaching out for something new. Whether this is a move or whether this is to educate yourself and retrain in something entirely different, the options are yours. It is time for you to be enthusiastic and optimistic. You have to make the most of your current adventurous attitude your approach to life is changing. You will be amazed at what you can turn around and change. Aim high, that is what's necessary so that you are able to cope with every challenge. You're capable of being responsible and efficient so you are able to budget and live well within, your means. It's about feeling satisfied with every aspect of your life. This will cause you to feel more in balance and more spiritual but, at the same time to remain grounded and use your common sense and your hard work to sort matters out, for this is the time for higher learning in all matters, which will allow you the freedom to pursue your goals instead of feeling that you have to be satisfied with what you have.