You have chosen Temperance and the 2 of Cups. The Temperance card is linked to the star sign Sagittarius, which links up with long distance travel and higher learning. It's a fire sign and it shows that you've got one foot firmly on land and your testing new waters very gently. But this is a time of action for fire signs are all about actions and adventures. It's the mixing and blending of everything in moderation. It's a good time for you to look at socialising and any links to travel abroad, particularly when it's linked to air travel. You should be looking at mixing and blending different cultures, and a time of rest and healing for yourself and a discovery of self worth and self-knowledge about who you are. The 2 of Cups is a water sign and shows that there is a happy relationship involved in your life. If you're not yet in a relationship, you're about to be. For this shows, there is a loving relationship. There's a togetherness in knowing, that you are truly loving, within your relationship. A soul mate, a meeting of minds, bodies and hearts. You're looking to share your life with somebody who is like-minded and you're responsible and reliable enough to be able to put your emotions into something that makes you happy. You know exactly what you want from life and exactly what you don't want, you're confident enough now to be spiritual, adventurous in your approach towards life. You're going to be amazed at what's in store for you for you've realised exactly, what it is you want to achieve. You're on a path and you know that you're going to get there, but you're also having such a wonderful time with the variety of experience and spice that life has caused you to have an optimism and enthusiasm that makes you feel you're on a high.