You have chosen Temperance and the 3 of Wands. The Wands card is a time of action. It's all about the adventures and the comings and goings of the outdoors. This is linked to a lot of travel and movement. The enthusiasm of being physically creative means there's no stopping you for the 3 of Wands is a creation and a happening card. It's the creation of a partnership and journeys overland to do with business financial transactions. You're doing financial business transactions with lots of people but it looks like someone's been left out. It may mean that you have to leave behind something and make some sort of sacrifice. It's a very productive card though and it's extremely good for people that are in trades, stocks and exchange of goods particularly if it's linked to shipping. The Temperance card works with the star sign Sagittarius, which is linked to long distance travel. It's about higher learning and it's a fire sign. You've got one foot firmly on land and you're testing new waters very gently. Both these cards signify action and it's the mixing and blending of everything in moderation. It shows that you will work hard to do what you've got to do. Your socialising hard and there's lots of air travel included within the Temperance card. There's mixing, blending, and holidays. This is a big time for travel for both of these cards have lots of healing to do with foreign travel and links abroad. It's about aiming as high as you possibly can and taking the most adventurous approach to life. You're responsible and efficient and this is where you're at your best. You're looking at life now with optimism and a spirit that tells you to go for it. You know that you can have a go at everything and you can use this as a sort of trial run so that you can learn from any mistakes that you make later. Enjoy it. Don't worry about any mistakes that you make for it's the adventure of having the experience and the spontaneity to enjoy life and to discover the world.