You have chosen Temperance and the 3 of Swords. The 3 of swords is a card from the past and it shows there's been loss and heartbreak around you. This past has haunted you, but the situation is coming to a conclusion, for loss and heartbreak is in the past position. Now although this is not for the first time that you've had your heart broken, it is indeed over. For the 3 is also a significant number for creation and it shows that things are moving on and you must leave the past behind. The Temperance card means you are mixing and blending and you are testing new waters very, very gently. You're mixing and blending everything, in moderation. It's a time for socialisation and to get out there and discover what the world is all about. It's a time for you to look at travel, particularly air travel. It's a time to mix cultures, holidays and healing all together. Time out. The Temperance card is linked to Sagittarius, which deals with long distance travel and higher learning. It's to do with everything that's discovering the adventures of the person you are inside. The Temperance card is a fire sign and it shows you're now responsible and efficient and it's time to let your problems go. You've now got to go through life with the satisfaction of knowing you did the best you can and you're now taking on a much more balanced and sensible viewpoint. You've now got to rise to the challenges, that come your way and take on a much more adventurous approach to life. You're going to be amazed now, at what you can achieve for you've got the opportunity to go travelling and to really get to know things about other creeds and other countries. Spiritually you will feel that you're educating yourself and if you really are interested in further education it's time for you to look at what stimulates you and to go ahead and have a go, no matter what age you are.