You have chosen Temperance and the 3 of Cups. The 3 of Cups is a wonderful, joyful card for it describes a celebrations that's going on around you. It's a card of celebrating the joy and the togetherness of intimacy, close friends and family are celebrating. Perhaps you are toasting the birth, engagement or the wedding or some family celebration. Maybe you're actually toasting yourself for passing something like an exam or a driving test for number 3 is the number of creativity and in this case this is a wonderful, emotional yes. It's a yes card to a question of hope and joy and happiness. It's celebrating life and the intimacy of being part, of a pack of like-minded people. The Temperance card is giving you a yearning for long distance travel for it's linked up to the star sign Sagittarius, which is about action and adventure. Being a fire sign you're going into things with full spirit and you're working extremely hard towards your goal. There's lots of higher learning going on around you and you're testing new waters very gently. There's plenty of time to correct mistakes later on. You're just enjoying the adventure. You're someone that cannot be bored. You love mixing and blending everything in moderation, keeping yourself happy, stimulated and full of enthusiasm. Anything where you can socialise this year is wonderful. It's a big, big air travel card so where you can take a holiday mix and blend cultures, healing and a little bit of time out for self discovery and self worth, would be really good. These are two lovely cards. It shows that you're socialising and getting everything in balance but it's also a time of really enjoying who you are. It's a time of self worth, where you're actually looking at every challenge and making the most of this adventurous spirit that you seem to have. You're able to grab the opportunities and really know exactly what you want and say no to the things that you do not enjoy. You're confident and your exploring everything with high spirits, but you're also responsible and efficient and you know that if things get tough, you'll be called upon for your spiritual side to take over and to guide you. This is a time for self-discovery where you're really going to enjoy the enthusiasm of having a go for having a go's sake.