You have chosen Temperance and the 10 of Swords. The 10 of Swords shows that recently you've felt betrayed, let down by a group of people, possibly colleagues, friends or a group of people who you felt were going along in the same way as you were. There's nothing physical in this loss. But you've been stabbed in the back and taken the brunt of a humiliation and the betrayal from what was going on. You've been made the scapegoat and you've realised, that it is time to remove yourself from these people. You've been mentally drained by the whole experience and you're feeling extremely wary and unable to have the confidence or the energy to sum up the courage to start again but this period is over and the 10 means this is in the past position and has gone. It can't get any worse, it's happened, and it's finished. Now is the time for you to look at things in a different way for the Temperance card is very bright, light and frothy. It's time for you to explore something about yourself and to be more spiritual in your approach. You've got one foot firmly on land and you must test new waters very gently at your own pace. There's lots of new friends coming in, gently, slowly, surely and everything at the right time and in moderation. This is a time for new friendships, for you to explore mixing and blending with like-minded people who are from possible different cultures. It's a time to explore some time out, for you, by taking a holiday and doing some long distance travel. This will educate you more into what you need to know about yourself. It's time for some spiritual approach so that you feel nourished by human behaviour and the experience of the world. This is a time to explore that people around you from different cultures and backgrounds have plenty for you to learn from, for it's time for you to have some fun and to spend some quality time with some really genuine people, whom you've much to learn. You're vibrating on the same frequency as these new friends and they are there to educate you and show you a different way of life. One that is full of laughter, joy and hopeful expectancy. It is time for you to clear the decks of your old friendships and bring in the new, slowly, surely, but definitely steadily.