You have chosen Temperance and the 7 of swords. This is a time for you to make a U turn. You've got to go in a completely different direction. Now you need to go in quietly and not make any announcements about your change of plans to too many people. This is a time to keep all your thoughts, feelings and actions close to your chest and to only let people know what you're doing when you're comfortable that things are working out the way your expecting them to. Do not feel that this is being dishonest, to those that you feel you'd normally discuss everything with. It's not unethical, you just need to do this alone without the influence of anyone else inspiring you to take a different way. It's time for you to watch what's happening and you're not doing anything despicable or untoward, indeed you're full of integrity and this is what you need to prove to yourself, that you can do it with your own intentions and your own inspiration. This is a time for you to keep persevering and not to give up, but to realise that to take a change of direction really does display courage, determination and strength of character. There's lots of ducking and diving involved, which is fine it's an adventure. The Temperance card is telling you to look at learning more, to be more knowledgeable about everything, particularly when it comes to people for the Temperance card is about mixing, blending and socialising with other people, getting everything in balance and getting a moderation of the situation under control. It's time to test new waters very gently and you're realising that you need to mix with like-minded people. This is a great socialising time, there's lots of excitement, laughter, and fun. You're working in harmony with people who are vibrating on exactly the same frequency as you are and you're mixing and blending with different cultures and different creeds. This is the time to consider some long distance travel, particularly if it's linked to a holiday or educating yourself with more knowledge about what you're interested in so this is the time, for you to extract who you are and to find out what makes you tick and to explore the part of your personality, that has adventure, excitement and a love of life.