You have chosen Temperance and the 7 of Pentacles. You are someone who keeps their feet firmly on land and tests new things very gently. This is about learning to move on where experience means that you are able to deal with everything in moderation. You have the ability to mix and blend the old with the new. It is time to socialise, mix cultures and blend. The same applies to everything to do with your security. The 7 of Pentacles is explaining that you need to risk, a little bit of your security and help harvest what you already have and take a financial risk with something else. Only invest a tiny amount, nothing more than you can afford to lose, and stay with the rest of what you've got. This is to do with financial transactions and educating yourself to realise, that you can have more. Do not get fed up with what you're already doing for this is running along smoothly. It is a time to invest in another side of business. Perhaps it is a savings scheme or something to do with a property. It's about putting a little bit of your hard earned cash into something and seeing if you can make your own money work for you without you having to do the work in a full time capacity. It is time to do some homework and to work out with a very practical approach and a very sensible viewpoint, exactly, what it is, you're going to invest in. You're going to go off into different directions and see what comes up. Anything that's to do with the environment would give you this new interest. Perhaps it's to do with savings schemes or investments where you've been slogging away for years trying to make a name for yourself. It shows now that you're about to receive some of these rewards, but to think a little bit bigger and go for a sideline on top of what you're already doing. Be the entrepreneurs, empire builds everything that you want. Maybe it's to do with antiques, anything that will increase in its value would be a good investment and increase your sense of security. Things should flow along peacefully. Use caution and perseverance wherever it's necessary to control the problems that may arise, you will be able to manage by budgeting accordingly and living within your means. Try to grab every opportunity to learn exactly where you would like to invest.