You have chosen Temperance and the Page of Pentacles. This means that you are involved in long distance travel for the Temperance card works with the star sign Sagittarius. This is to do with higher learning you've now got one foot firmly on land and you're testing new waters very gently. This means you are mixing and blending everything in moderation, so any travel or plans for higher education, you're balanced enough to accept. This is also a time of new friends, coming into your life and you will be mixing different cultures. A holiday is definitely on the cards here. For you must plan something that you have wanted for some time and make sure that you do it. This is all about you, your hobbies and your desires, the good things are coming your way. The Page of Pentacles also explains to you that you are involved in a new financial opportunity. It is the very start, it has not yet happened. You have a very fixed focus and if there is deep study needed, in which to get your plans off the ground, you are capable of doing it, whether you are young or old. The page of pentacles explains that you are learning ways to train and make more money. You're educating yourself. You haven't quite achieved it yet, for this is the start of a new venture. The pentacles people are always involved in something to do with financial security, for they put their goods and possessions on a high pedestal. You work hard and you earn what you have deserved, for you work extremely hard but for you, things will happen very slowly. You may get impatient or frustrated but you need to stick with this for it is a good opportunity. For you, seeing, is believing and you must be convinced, that this will work. There must be some sort, of guarantee, that you can work towards at your own pace. Things must develop very slowly, with your self-esteem giving you an inner sense of authority. You will learn patience and responsibility, as you do this, for you need to feel that you are creating something, that is lasting and that will probably outlive you. You need to be able to make practical decisions, which will improve your life and the lives, of others. The importance here is of order and stability so that you can make a practical and useful contribution within the field that you are working.