You have chosen Temperance and the 9 of Wands. The Temperance card shows that you're in a great place. It is about mixing and blending and taking everything in moderation and using your enthusiasm, adventurous streaks and going for something new within your life. It is to do with long distance travel and higher learning. It means that your adventurous but cautious enough to know when to pull back and discipline yourself, after all you still have to make a living. The Temperance card is showing you that you must also have a good time and you must explore certain parts of your nature, to do with your spiritual aspects or what you'd like to learn such as languages or study different courses. Things that are associated to hobbies and things that you are interested in rather than feeling that you are studying for something relating to having to do it to get a job. The Temperance card is asking you to look at your horizons carefully and gently and to test new waters very gently, while sticking with what you've got and exploring something completely new. It is because the Temperance card is linked to the star sign Sagittarius, which is all about adventurous spirit where you enjoy trying new things. This could be because you have been working far too hard and you have been out of balance. The 9 of Wands shows that you have been trying to defend yourself at work without success. Things have become such a problem that you are doing far too much. You've been physically worn out with what you're doing and your stubbornness has caused you to carry on fighting a losing battle. By being out of sync with who you are it has made you miserable. You've become mentally and physically exhausted. If you're honest you'll look back and realise you are trying to protect something that has already got out of hand so the Temperance card is here to show you that your spirit and enthusiasm must be channelled into yourself, your whole self. Work is not everything and you have been taking it far too seriously. Serious things happen, to serious people and the Temperance card is telling you to lighten up and go and enjoy yourself. You are capable of doing everything in moderation. It is time to look at who you are and why you do the things that you do. If they don't make you happy search for something else. The Temperance card is showing you there's so much out there. Anything to do with what you enjoy. Hobbies, interests, people, socialising and exploring other horizons, particularly to do with new cultures, and long distance travel, think about how you can combine your interest into your every day life instead of working your guts out and feeling truly miserable. It is time to have some fun.