You have chosen Temperance and the 9 of Pentacles. You are someone who is capable of definitely being practical for you have one foot firmly on land and gently explore anything new that comes your way. While sticking to the traditional, you are not afraid to approach something new, particularly when it comes to matters of finance. You have the ability to mix and blend and extract everything you need within moderation. This is a time for you to socialise a little more in order to expand your business, for by knowing certain people you are capable of increasing your material security. You are someone that works best by working along side every kind of background and culture, extremely well, which makes you successful with what you do. You have been able to create a reality out of personal dreams and wishes, which has brought about an abundance and wealth. You are very lucrative and nice things are very important to you. This extremely good personal taste has been your inspiration and you will always work hard and make out very well, when it comes to matters of finance. Everything you do, seems to grow and yet you work best in solitude. That's because you are financially independent, within this life and you perhaps earn your money in solitude. You often put work before relationships, but this does not matter to you, for you enjoy yourself frequently and are capable of splashing out and being quite decadent. You are someone who is reserved as a person and have class. However, you do not suffer fools gladly and know exactly how you feel. This makes you professional, for you know when you are dealing with time wasters. Your material security is growing and you are on your way to be able to have the freedom of choice, to explore any higher learning that you so wish. The Temperance card is also urging you to explore long distance travel and to be familiar with mixing with different cultures exploring this wonderful world in which we live is truly an adventure and is your reward.