You have chosen Temperance and the Knight of Swords. The Temperance card works with the star sign Sagittarius, which is linked to adventures and long distance travel. Anything to do with higher learning. It shows that you've got one foot firmly on land and that you're gently testing new waters. It's a time of mixing, blending and socialising. Everything is now in moderation and balance. The socialising will lead to new friendships. You will be around like-minded people. The connections will be to do with cultures and hobbies the interests that you have. This is a time for laughter, joy, fun and happiness. It's time to explore new horizons. Long distance travel would be excellent, so if you're planning a holiday now, is the time to think exactly where you want to go and to discover new horizons, anything from the language to the people or the country. You're someone that enjoys your own company and your have a very strong focus. You're very bright and stimulated very easily, for you enjoy learning for learning's sake, but as soon as you've had enough, you're able to cut away from what it is, you've had enough of. This means you enjoy your own company immensely, for you're able to always logically plan what suits you without having to take into account other people so invest in the opportunity of looking for like minded folk who share the same interests and hobbies and are of like minded spirit. Someone who is independent like you and capable of providing themselves with the initiative, to come up with an itinerary plan of their own. You are someone that needs to always be on the move for you have very fast energy. You are quick witted and extremely shrewd so it's about packing the most into your precious time, with your hobbies and leisure. Ensure that you make the absolute maximum of your investment of time, so that you enjoy yourself.