You have chosen Temperance and the Knight of Wands. You have acquired quite a bit of knowledge and the Temperance card is about mixing and blending. For you now have one foot firmly on land and are starting to find out new interests. The mixing and blending that's going on is to do with the moderation of life. This is a good time for socialising and it means you're getting everything in balance and you're happy with that balance for it is what you've worked for. You're starting to get your social life into perspective and you're actually having one. You're starting to look at the travel that you would like to do and you're not putting things off any longer, for you've realised that you must invest in yourself and some happiness instead of talking about the future so the Temperance card is about the past, present and future, being in perspective and the realisation that you can work extremely hard but you must have a little fun otherwise what is the point? This is a good mixed culture situation that's coming into your life for it's showing that long distance travel is leading to new friendships with different cultures and different countries. There's higher learning taking place here as well, which could result in you learning a little about a new language or maybe even just following some sort of tradition within that culture or that destination itself. This is because the Wands are all about actions and you have drawn the Knight of Wands. Now both these cards are to do with travel, so there is no question that there is lots of travel on board for you. You are someone that's physically creative and you need constant stimulation. There's a very fixed focus with you, which would help you with your love of travel and your boisterous nature. You're quite an extrovert and a look at me type of character. People enjoy what you're saying so you have a captive audience, in which you can entertain. So you now need to realise there's an importance here, of self-expression, where you find something that allows you to use your creative ideas and give them shape. Anything that allows you to expand your horizons will give you a broader view of life. If not, you'll become bored very easily and restlessness is not good for you. You need plenty of freedom to move from one project to the other and to find fresh enthusiasm to a variety of learning and experience of life.