You have chosen Temperance and the 5 of Cups. The 5 of Cups is about emotional disappointment and you're looking at a partial loss. You're mourning the loss of a relationship, something from the past. Try not to worry about what you've lost, for around the corner there is emotional happiness, yet again. You have feelings of being let down, that things never lived up to what you expected. This upset has led for you to feel bored, apathetic and quite negative. It can lead you to feeling that things are excessively out of perspective and you could feel that you could lose yourself in your sorrows. But Temperance is here to help. For Temperance is a card of healing. The Temperance card is linked to the star sign Sagittarius, which deals with long distance travel and higher learning. You're keeping one foot very firmly on dry land as you test new waters very gently. This means that you're about to mix and blend everything in moderation and to try things out slowly, slowly. It's time for you to start socialising once again. There's big air travel linked to this card. It's important for you to mix and blend with different cultures and to experience travel and holidays, which will have a massive healing effect upon you. Anything where you can explore adventure and variety of life is exactly what is called for right now. You will be involved that feeling as you go into the wonder of discovery of new adventures that there are nice and glorious opportunities around. As long as you don't feel restricted within a relationship where it will lead to you feeling bored or frustrated. You need to make sure that there's not too much routine and that you can really go on and have the freedom to have an interesting variety of different people and different circumstances, which is why travel would appeal to you right now.