You have chosen Temperance and the 8 of Swords. Recently you've been feeling tied up, restricted in what you're doing. Unfortunately you're a bit of a victim of your own circumstances. You should have sorted out minor problems earlier on, because you didn't, they've got out of hand and you have to deal with them now and they've become and little bit more intense. You were choosing not to see things clearly, things got worse. The Temperance card is asking you to approach life in a different way as though every experience was a sort of trial run. This is an adventure playground, you need time to make mistakes, to take out the important lesson from the mistake and to realise you don't need to suffer, for if you deal with matters before they get out of hand, there's plenty of time to correct your mistakes and so you can go on towards a better future with more experience and knowledge of who you are. The Temperance card is asking you to look at the higher learning. You need to educate yourself a little bit more. It's time for some more knowledge, but that's also mixing and blending everything in moderation. So you're asked to look at socialising, with other people and developing a learning, through these other people. It's the people that you're with, that will have an influence on what you are doing. You've got to consider different cultures and different creeds and to look at testing new waters very gently. The Temperance card links a lot of new friendships to your life and it's to do with experiencing some long distance travel. So if you're planning a holiday, now, is the time to consider where you really want to go, for this holds a lot of answers to what you want for your future. It's being around the right people at the right time and getting involved in some good friendships where people are like minded and are not looking for too much from you apart from sharing a common interest and having some good times. This card is about mixing and blending everything in moderation, not taking life too seriously but at the same time being reliable, resourceful and responsible. It's all about common sense and getting everything in moderation, a balance and harmony. This is what you're now going into providing you can see things clearly.