You have chosen Temperance and the 8 of Cups. The 8 of Cups shows you're moving on through experience. Now is the time for you - you're moving on. You need to leave behind an emotional gap in your life and abandon the old life as you know it. It's time to walk away and be independent. You've got to leave the old life behind. Time to move on. All things change. Within a month you'll realise that this needed to happen. You need to use the courage you have inside to leave behind those that you love and care about but with the fulfilment of time it will show that, you've got the power, the courage and the bravery to let go. For it is necessary for you to make your own way in the world, and Temperance is a card of adventure. It deals with the star sign Sagittarius, which is all about long distance travel and higher learning. It's a fire sign, which shows it's a time of action. You've got one foot firmly on land and you're testing new waters very, very gently. It's a mixing and blending, everything in moderation, gently, gently. It's time to socialise and travel. Time to mix and broaden your horizons with different cultures, different creeds and different lands. This is a very big time for air travel. The Temperance card is a healing card through discovery of adventure, of self worth. This is a time of action and adventure. It deals with the comings and goings of the outdoors, for the Wand family is linked to travel, movement and plenty of enthusiasm. You need to be as physically creative and inspired by your own thoughts and feelings as possible. There's plenty of time for you to have adventures and correct any mistakes you make, much later on.