You have chosen Temperance and the Ace of Wands. The Temperance card tells us that you are mixing and blending everything in moderation quite nicely. This is a good time for socialising. It is a mixed culture card, which shows that you are testing new cultures, trying out new languages and prepared to see how things go. This is an excellent time for you to think about travelling because you've chosen the Ace of Wands. Now the main thing here is long distance travel, the Ace of Wands is telling you there is a new beginning associated with work. Maybe you're moving locations. This is usually to do with a small group of people where you are starting a brand new action. This feels like you've been offered a new job or you're starting a new enterprise. This certainly has growth with a very new beginning. It is an excellent offer that is being given to you, it is fertile and will grow. It shows that you will keep one foot firmly on land and you're gently testing the new waters so you're not silly. You know that you must stick with what you've got for a short time until you are able to finance yourself properly. You must do things in moderation. It is a time for mixing and blending with new people. Socialising will help, anything that is to do with your plans, linked to your career or work. The Temperance card is telling you that there is much learning to do but this is in a positive way. It shows you can go for promotion or to try something very new, that will indeed grow. The outcome to this is very satisfactory. It shows that you'll put a lot of energy into this. The Ace of Wands is a gift showing action, adventure, assertiveness and definitely achievement. It's the start of an enterprise for you. Your ambition and energy are at their maximum, you will definitely put the hard physical work into what it is you want. If your plans are still at the early stages then you must go all out to be dynamic and to notice that your adventures can take you much further a field that you had possible envisaged. It is your enthusiasm, energy and optimism that are required here. Your career is looking excellent, especially if you are thinking of relocating. The Temperance card tells you there is much travelling to do within your life.