You have chosen Temperance and the Ace of Swords. The Temperance card deals with long distance travel and higher learning taking you to places that are to do with your hobbies. It shows with the Ace of Swords that you've had a new idea. This new way of thinking is for the better. It's going to give you more free time, more time to socialise and enjoy life. You're at last getting in balance and harmony and making sure that life is not all about hard work. This new beginning is wilful, you are able to put your plans into action and you're forceful enough to realise you need to do this for yourself. There are two sides to everything and you have realised that a victory means you must cut away from working too hard and get some balance and fun back into your life. So it's time to mix and blend everything in moderation, for you've now got one foot firmly on land and you are testing new waters very gently. You're mixing and blending everything in moderation. This is a good time. It's time for you to socialise and to go and do some of those things that you've always wanted to do. Call them hobbies if you like. You're mixing cultures with holidays and with education so you're learning a bit more about the environment in which you live in. You're being asked to aim high and so you must go for every challenge because you have got a very adventurous attitude right now. You can achieve quite a bit for your energy levels are right up there and so is your confidence. Anything that will take you to different countries or cultures will be really good right now. For you can make new friends and explore the world in which you live. You're someone now who's become responsible and efficient and you know how to control what's going on around you. Things are now in your control. You are able to manage your budgeting, your spending, the way in which you work and to make sure that you've got some sense of satisfaction out of life particularly when it comes to the spiritual and the social side of your life. You've learned common sense. You've taken a balanced and moderate approach where everything is working in harmony.