You have chosen Strength and the 2 of Swords. It is a time for Strength. You need to be strong. You need to control your mind and your physical Strength for this card represents the inner and outer Strength that you have but you're choosing not to see things in a way that is positive. You're being quite negative. You don't know what to do so you've decided to live on the edge and see what happens. Now you really need to make a decision for the 2 of Swords signifies that you can easily get things sorted out if you open your eyes and look. You need to call a truce with somebody. This is not a time for indecision and the Strength card shows you can heal yourself by sorting out this matter now. If left this matter will grow and manifest itself into something much bigger and much harder to deal with later on. The Strength card shows that you have a childlike quality which is innocent, but sometimes this can be seen as childish for your choose to just ignore the problems in life. It is now time to take control particularly of your own emotions. You can do this. It's not as hard as you think. All you've got to do is look at the elements and see how all the components fit together and what that picture would give you before it emerges. You chose quite a lot of the time to keep a lid on your emotions but if somebody upsets you, boy, will you go. This is a time not to show those emotions, but to deal with them privately and quietly for this card represents the inner and outer Strength that you can maintain to sort out the obstacles that are coming your way. It is time to get involved in something for you. Something where you can express yourself, either in a field of work or in a creative ideal, one of your hobbies or something like that. But what have you got for yourself. You know that you're special and you really need to let your creative outlet come out. You've got a really lovely dazzling personality and lots of charisma. You need an audience. If you're feeling a little bit down or neglected it's probably because you're not the center of attention. You don't want to hide. You don't want to be the one that's at the back of the room. You're capable of lots and lots of creativity where you can be the center of attention by entertaining those around you. You just need to see things as they are, sort out these minor matters and get yourself focused onto something that give you that sense of self worth and satisfaction because you know you've got it.