You have chosen Strength and the 3 of Pentacles. You are someone who should be involved in being employed in a small environment. Not self-employed. An elevated position is on its way within the work place to you, but you must start at the bottom and work upwards. There is skill and training involved in what you need to do and you need to be of service to others where you're working with lots of people. Perhaps this is within a school or university or maybe a hospital. It requires cooperation and the learning of new skills. You have a fantastic Strength and you are capable of sustaining your energy to work very hard towards an elevated position. You have a youthful outlook within your energy and a drive to work, which stimulate others around you. You are passionate about what you believe in and almost treat work like it's a hobby. You are lucky enough to get paid for your little hobby, for you are someone that has managed to maintain the control of your powerful emotions. You're used to getting your own way and you can physically graft as hard as the next person. As long as you are happy everything goes well. For you have an extremely good inner and outer strength where you work on your emotional well being. Things are looking really bright for you, so as you work your way upwards money improves but your spending must come down for you have a tendency to overspend, especially if things are going well. You're not the worlds best at saving money. You're someone who has a lot of ambition and you would make a natural leader but only in a small working environment. For you to be successful you must have the recognition for what you do. By continuing to be confidant and taking a pride in your work you put in the long hours and you're very good at what you do. This will help you get towards the top job. What's needed now is to be responsible and reliable and to perform your duties an obligations with an ambitious attitude. The more ambitious you are the more you'll succeed and reap the rewards you deserve. As long as you're determined and know what you want, go for it.