You have chosen Strength and the 3 of Cups. The 3 of Cups are about a celebration. It's a joyful time. It's probably to do with a family celebration. Such as an engagement, wedding, christening, birth, or the celebration of the passing of exams, a reunion, or the passing of a driving test. Number three is the sign of creativity and this is a yes to a question of hope and joy. It's about the celebration of life and clinking a glass in acknowledgement to the celebration and joy that means intimacy. This close gathering is a family or friend celebrating, all vibrating with this happy and hopeful image that's very positive. We all need to be inspired in that way and reminded that life can indeed be a celebration of joy, harmony and the intimacy of being part of a group of humans that all feel happy at the same time. The Strength card is saying that you're sometimes so passionate, that you have to try to dampen these powerful emotions that you sometimes feel. You need to learn to maintain exactly how to get the balance for you're someone that's a little bit proud. You like to show off and you're used to getting your own way. People usually keep you happy otherwise you're a bit nasty and you can turn. Unfortunately that's not a very nice skill so try now to think of an inner Strength that shows your outer Strength. Where you do keep a lid on your powerful emotions and act in a very graceful manner. It'll do your health good as well because quite often you're at boiling point for absolutely no reason and allowing things to get to you. I know you have such high ideals and high principles and you have a high standard. No one is able to match up to your high standards but you need to be less dramatic and a little bit more forgiving of other people, that are not so inspired or ambitious as you are. Therefore the results from them may not be 100% like you expect. You've just got to let that go occasionally. Enjoy yourself. Have the celebration of the happier things just like the 3 of Cups are telling you. As long as you can keep that control of your powerful emotions, you'll be a lot less stressed.