You have chosen Strength and the 10 of Wands. The 10 of wands show you're carrying a complete burden here. You can't see the woods for the trees. You're too proud and too independent to ask anyone for help. You think you can manage. Why don't you learn to delegate. Go back to square one; release this heavy burden from yourself. This is too heavy a load for one person. You're working far too much. You'll end up feeling worn out. You're burning out, you need to rest but this is because you're proud and selfish. You don't trust anybody, that's not good. You need to learn to delegate and to team share, even if someone cannot come up with what you expect give them a chance, give them time. You need to allow someone to take over this burden. Stop being a martyr where you feel that no one could do the job as good as you, carrying on and getting to the point of exhaustion will mean that you can't do the job as well either. Think about that. What use will you be to anyone. It's better to turn around now and realize someone else can take over. Yes, they'll do it a different way, but you can tell them what you want, nicely, gently and carefully. This is why you've got the Strength card, helping you sort matters out. You're someone that's so passionate about what you do you treat everything with 100% energy, which is great, but you need to know when enough is enough. You think you're so strong but you need to control your powerful emotion. You think you've got such outer Strength - you have, but have the inner Strength to know when to quit and take a bit of break and delegate to someone else the responsibility instead of taking it all on your own shoulders. You're someone that's got such high standards, you just don't think anyone else can live up to your expectations, give people a chance. Train them, help them, you can get there; it's just simply a question of a little bit of trust.