You have chosen Strength and the 10 of Pentacles. You are someone who is practical and you have a matter of fact frame of mind and you're able to view life from a very sensible viewpoint. You've got your feet firmly on the ground and you are an extremely good person to be taking care of these multiple finances for you are capable of inner and outer Strength that has to be relied upon at this difficult time. The 10 of Pentacles shows there is big money around you, but these large financial transactions can be difficult sometimes particularly if it is family money or tied up in the buying and selling of houses and land. Maybe it is with real estate. This is certainly a time where those around you such as family, look on with jealousy but you cannot please all the members of the family and if matters are coming to probate, legal situations, there will be animosity around you. There are quibbles because of the jealousy and ownership and these long-term financial securities must be taken care of. You are the person who knows exactly what is required here. You must take no notice of other people's nastiness or their gossipy nature for the card of Pentacles explains to you, that someone who is wise, intelligent and is quite capable of maintaining control must look after family money. You're someone who is used to getting your own way and if the others push you too much you will turn. You must try to keep a lid on the emotions for it represents your inner and outer Strength and things will go on and complete themselves much easier if you do not get bogged down in emotion. There is money behind you. Things will be ok but it is all tied up with other people. You may have a hard time dealing with it and the inner temptation or weakness is what you must work on. You must succeed and do things as they are supposed to be done, rather than how other people feel they can influence you for them. You have a Strength and you are determined and you know what is right and what the situation requires from you so keep the inner and outer Strength required for keeping to the job in hand by not letting family influence your decisions.