You have chosen Strength and the 10 of Cups. The strength card is linked to the star sign Leo that deals with the children and hobbies and passions of your world. The Strength card is a physical card and asking you to maintain control of your very powerful emotions. You are somebody who is quite proud, you strut around and you're used to getting your own way. People must keep you happy otherwise you turn. You've got to learn to keep a lid on the emotions and you've got to represent yourself with inner and outer Strength. That is controlling the emotions inside of you. This is linked up with the 10 of Cups which is a water sign which again deals with your emotions and the 10 of Cups is explaining that you're living in a very strong relationship possibly within a marriage or a situation of co-habiting. This could deal with a large group of people such as a family and it shows either you have this or you're about to enter into this. This is one of the most positive cards in the pack. It deals with the bliss and happiness within a family. It's very cosy, dreamy and a truly successful relationship here. This leads on to even more happiness. The fulfilment of happiness is within the inner courage and Strength that you have within yourself. This usually goes along with children, a nice home and animals and it shows that you're someone that really believes with passion that things can be absolutely perfect. You're very confident and you really do enjoy the loved ones around you and you are very generous and affectionate with them, but if things don't go your way, you tend to sulk or you take it out of them by giving them the silent treatment. You need to stop doing this, for you have an inner warmth and it's only because you want the best for them. You're being asked to look at patience and courage and to understand that you need to really deal with how you control this weakness and combat it. You will succeed for you've now got an awareness of how your emotions do actually affect your loved ones. The silent treatment is not fair. It's manipulative and it's full of drama in a way that is intense. You need to be at ease and so do those around you so it's time to have inner courage to work on your emotions, so that you are not manipulating the people you really love and care about.