You have chosen Strength and the 7 of Wands. The Strength card shows that you are by nature a child. That's in a very positive way. You're someone that has beautiful, innocent nature that enjoys everything they do providing they're inspired. You treat everything as a hobby and you're passionate about getting things right. You're someone that has very high standards for yourself and for others and you need to just take it easy sometimes, with yourself for you need to maintain control, of very powerful emotions and not let them get the better of you. You're someone that's used to getting your own way. You're determined and wilful. You have such a vision of something that's beautiful that you keep working towards it. The only time you get unhappy is where other people don't keep up with you, but you must remember that this inner Strength is within you to keep everything together and not to expect other people to have such high ambitions or aspirations as you do. Not everyone finds everything happy and positive in the way that you do. This is when you get annoyed. You need to keep a lid on those emotions and keep that fiery opinion of yours to yourself. It really shows you're in a place of an advantage right now. You have a good personality and you're able to defend yourself against the competition. You're on higher ground. You have the expertise on every single subject. You're staying on top of every situation. Indeed this is a very privileged place to be. Very positive. You're ahead of the attack and able to defend yourself easily. This is because you keep your plans to yourself and you're able to be one step ahead of the game because you keep all your secrets close to your chest. You don't let other people know what your plans are, that way you know that you can deliver exactly what was missing when people least expected it. Well done you.