You have chosen Strength and the Page of Wands. The Strength card is a physical card. You now have to maintain control of your very powerful emotions. You are someone who is proud and you're used to getting your own way, indeed you strut about sometimes. People have usually got to keep you happy or else you'll turn, but you're being told that you must work on this for you have an inner and outer Strength. Try not be childish. Look at your passions and make sure you see things from everybody's point of view and stop being so creatively, idealistic about how things could be. The Strength card works with Leo. Leo loves to get on its high horse and strut around, but there is a danger in being too self centered. There is a message of you going on a journey for you have extreme fixed focus. You have a love of travel and you're boisterous and extrovert which is wonderful. There's news of travel on the way to you for you are a 'look at me' type of character and people have got to listen to what you say. Now you're extremely good at communicating so you need to work on this. Maybe use a microphone to broadcast your news to people or you're able to read the news or sing or act or even a good old telephone manner where you're able to communicate well with the world. Anything where you use your voice to make news travel or communications from one person to another is what you should be doing for a living for this is your talent. As long as your pursuing life through physical or intellectual journeys everything will go well ,for you need a broader view of life. When you're restless or bored you act up. This is when the childlike streak comes into your nature. You need plenty of freedom to keep moving around from one project to another and you've got loads of enthusiasm, such varied interests and learning experiences are vital to you. As long as your mind is constantly challenged and you're self-expressing your own importance things will go well. A field of work wherever your individuality and your talent for communications, would go extremely well for you. You have talents and enthusiasms which means the outdoors is excellent so whenever things get too much just go for a walk, it's important that you are outdoors for wherever problems arise the outdoors just makes the restless spirit calm down and helps you get back on track.