You have chosen Strength and the Page of Cups. The Strength card is a physical card and it's asking you to do exactly what you think. You must maintain control of your very powerful emotions. You're someone who is proud and you strut around, you're used to getting your own way. People have to keep it happy around you otherwise you turn. You've got to learn to keep the lid on your emotions. This takes courage and inner Strength. This is also a health card and represents the fact that you can work on your own peace of mind by keeping a lid on your emotions. The Strength card is linked to the star sign Leo that deals with the hobbies and passions of our world and children. It shows that you can sometimes be a little childish. The Page of Cups also explains to you that you can sometimes be a little immature. Although the Cups is the happiest suit and deals with the love and emotions it shows that you're dreamy, you've got a vivid imagination. You can be creative and quite arty but you're easily led and you're always involved in a crush or infatuation and then you dream up these flamboyant ideas that do have immaturity. You need to mature a little bit more and to let that vivid imagination be creative. You can be quite theatrical and over the top and for other people it can be exhausting. Have the courage to really face up to be patient and persevering and keeping something going instead of flitting from one subject to another. You really need to treat life as if it's a little bit more serious and you need to have something that you feel is concrete. You are all over the place and you're always caught up in a daydream, wanting this, wanting that, but never quite feeling satisfied for you never stick with anything long enough. You're now being asked to put your emotions into something and to see it through to the end. You can do this. You might have a bit of a hard time and the inner temptation to weaken will be there but you can control it and then you will succeed. Then you'll feel that you've move on.