You have chosen Strength and the 9 of Pentacles. You are someone who is capable of maintaining control of your powerful emotions, for the Strength card shows that you are used to getting your own way. If not you are likely to erupt for you are passionate about what you do and you have an inner and outer Strength that is very hard working. You are capable of very hard work, which will lead you into luxury and the fulfilment of your personal dreams and wishes. There is plenty of abundance and wealth around you. You are someone who is very lucrative. Nice things are very important to you and you are driven towards earning your own crust in this world. You have extremely good personal taste. The more diligent, dutiful and detailed you are the better you will fare. You have a love of luxury and quality means much more to you than quantity, but you are someone who is extremely hard working and very practical and there is no nonsense with you. You're very matter of fact when it comes to business and you've got your feet firmly on the ground which makes you an extremely good professional. You're quite capable of striking out in different directions when the need arises. You've got a practical approach and you are very down to earth in matters of business. You take your material security very seriously indeed and rely on no one to sort matters of finance out for you. As far as you're concerned you're quite capable of looking after yourself and others. You feel that it is not important to seek the approval of friends and family or close people for it is simply a matter of approving what you do yourself that means that you are a success. You are dutiful and diligent and you will always come out on top for you are not someone who is lazy or lacking when it comes to matters of hard work.