You have chosen Strength and the 9 of Cups. The Strength card is linked to the child within all of us. It's all about the passions and hobbies that we all have. That makes it quite a fun time but you need to be aware of the powerful emotions you can have as a child which means you can strut around, become a little arrogant, become a little childish and have a few tantrums. This is because you enjoy life very much, but you're used to getting your own way, so people have to keep you happy otherwise you turn. Now you need to keep a lid on that and make sure that people are comfortable with you, for you are in an adult now. You have a wonderful youthful quality, be make sure, you are not childish. This card represents your inner and outer Strength that keeps you happy, well and healthy. It is linked to the 9 of Cups which shows that this is all about a good time. The good times are about the wishes that you want for yourself and it showing that what you've wanted, you've got. This is the personal wish fulfillment, you're contented, you're happy, you're healthy and you've got your wealth for your needs. You need what you've got. You live a very good lifestyle but you've got a curiosity to want a little bit more and you might think that's a bit greedy but it's not. The excess you can have is all about finding out what life can give you and stimulating you. Don't feel you're greedy just because you want to learn more. There's so much out there. As long as you're not too materialistic and not being greedy for finances in an extreme, what about having a little bit more fun in the sense of discovering some of your hobbies and talents particularly the curious side of your nature. You have a wonderful childlike confidence. Anything that stimulates you and inspires you into having happy and joyful times with like-minded people is good for you. Make sure that you really do feel that life is pleasurable.