You have chosen Strength and the Knight of Swords. There is a project that you want that is linked to possibly a hobby or passion, which shows that you are capable for the Strength card, is exactly what it says. You have the inner and outer Strength. It's quite a physical card, which means there's lots of hard work in the future, but you must maintain control of your powerful emotions. You're quite proud, strut around and used to getting your own way. You think you've got all the answers but you know that you haven't. When things don't go your way you really must learn to keep a lid on your emotions. You're a bit too hot headed and fly off the handle. You have an inner and outer Strength that needs training and to be kept on track towards your goal. You give up far too quickly. This is because you're impetuous and like a child with a new toy you get bored too easily. You're impetuous and shrewd but you need more knowledge. This will only come through experience. You cannot rush these matters. You're sometimes a bit of a loner and unpredictable. Perhaps you're a little bit too sure of your own importance and you need to realize that other people's opinions count. Look for another way through the problem and don't give up until you're ready. If you keep going with your goal you will feel that your organizational skills are really turning into something good. You have such new ideas full of creativity and your projects really have personal style .You need to work on this childlike spirit, which sometimes becomes childish. It's because you see things in such a highly idealistic way that you sometimes fly into a rage when things don't go the way that you know they could. The experience and knowledge you gain through the setbacks are part of the journey and if you miss those stages out whatever you go for will never be complete for you will not have learned how to negotiate obstacles and muddles and mix ups. This is part of everything that you will learn. Stay with it, keep focused, you can do this, you're physical and mental Strength are there, it's whether or not you want it that badly.