You have chosen Strength and the Knight of Cups. The Strength card is a physical card. It shows that you are maintaining control of very powerful emotions right now. Perhaps you're feeling that you must be proud and you're used to getting your own way. People have got to keep it happy around you otherwise you can turn on them. Your emotions get the better of you. You have an amazing Strength and you can overcome most obstacles but sometimes your emotions just go crazy. You're a bit childish in the way that you approach life and your hobbies are sometimes too much of a passion and too full on, and you go along happy in the knowledge that you're enjoying the best of life for yourself, but someone is coming into your life that's going to help with social invitations and help you break some new ground giving you a little bit more maturity. This person is making sure that you're always on the move for they are enthusiastic about you and life is now going to be a little bit unpredictable. You're going to be slightly more elegant and graceful but always, always, hopeful that things are on the up for indeed they really are. You're energy is being transferred into your creative talents. You're then mixing and mingling with like-minded people and you're confidence is going to be given a boost. You're going to learn to control this childish streak in your nature, much better for the experience of having the talent is in itself totally rewarding. You're starting to overcome this thing that makes you weak when temptation comes your way and you're learning to combat those emotions for your personality is going into depths and strengths that you never knew you had, simply by this new person that's leading you to new shores, giving you the opportunity to shine, that's all that's been wrong, you've had a talent, you've hidden it and you've been bored. Well now is your chance to be creative and shine through for people are taking notice. You're very entertaining and your charisma is shining through. As long as you're determined you can take this into places that leads on to something lasting.