You have chosen Strength and the Knight of Wands. The Strength card is a physical card. You need to maintain control of those very powerful emotions. You're a proud person and you're used to getting your own way. If you don't you strut around and let everybody know that your emotions are out of control. This can be a little bit childish and you need to gain control of your inner self so that you have the Strength to get through a difficult moment without losing control. You'll get through this with willpower and determination. It is not about anything other than patience, courage and perseverance. You have a hard time dealing with things like that for temptation and weakness is always there but you're someone who has actions that speak louder than words. You love the outdoors and indeed that's where you should go whenever you need to calm down. Travel is extremely important to you too and as long as you're enthusiastic and on the move you'll be fine. This is because you are physically creative and skilful. There is a gap in your wisdom though. You need to be on the move all the time, moving and relocating is definitely on the cards for you right now. Adventure is always the action that is necessary. There's new enterprise coming your way and you're capable of hard work as long as people recognize your work and you as special. You need to keep discovering creative outlets where you can use your originality and portray it to an admiring audience who appreciate everything you've done. You need to be in the limelight and whenever you're not you feel down and depressed. You have such courage that you are capable of really achieving personal excellence. Your hard work is your motivation and you need to keep expressing your desire to be an individual through sheer deep devotion and commitment to your creative ideal. You are capable of giving so much to those around you, but you find it extremely difficult when it is not returned. You experience feelings of rage which can be seen as possessiveness, but this is because you have such a highly idealised way of how things should turn out that nobody really can live up to your expectations, it's best that you realize that not everyone is as creative as you, or can see things in such a idealised way. Accept that human nature has its faults. Keep moving with your own strengths and you'll be happy.