You have chosen Strength and the 4 of Pentacles. Money is certainly important to you but overspending is far too easy. You have a massive tendency to overspend especially when things are going well. Your extravagance is becoming a serious matter. You must start working out how you're going to save money or put money aside for bills. The Strength card is here to help you make a potential improvement. Whenever money is short you tend to slip into a slight depression, as we all can, but it is time to take some serious action for things have been getting out of hand recently. You must stop overspending and work out why you spend money in the way that you do. You've got to work out why emotionally you get such a buzz from handing over money. Five minutes later you realise that you're not feeling as good as you did and that you're starting to regret your actions. It is time to take matters in hand. The Strength card represents that you do have the inner and outer Strength to put things right and that you have simply been putting a lid on your emotions by the use of overspending. It has helped you keep happy in the short term. Physically you will have to work hard to pay the money back for it shows that you are certainly owing money to bills or credit cards and that you must maintain the control of your very powerful emotions and realise that it is something that you are suppressing, that is causing you to overspend. The short-term buzz is not enough to make you feel happy. You have got to learn different ways in which you can get that buzz from life naturally. The Strength card shows that you can do this. You must get in touch with who you are and what you want from life. You probably know what you don't want, so therefore that makes life a little easier for you. You have a generous streak, which causes you to get into trouble, and you overspend. You are someone who has a lot of ambition and you're a natural leader. You would do well to get in touch with either a hobby or something, where the ambition of being a natural leader goes hand in hand. Have you thought about the entertainment industry for you're a natural entertainer? You're someone who is born to lead or to be the entertainer, for you has massive confidence and ambition. You take a pride in what you do and you do it very well. You're capable of putting in long, long hours and have confidence. You know exactly how to let other people have fun and you are very witty. You make extremely good company. Do not feel you need to buy the friendship of other people, by simply being yourself, you'll come through with flying colours. Try to show others how responsible and reliable you can be and take your duties and obligations to paying back money seriously. Work on your ambitions and turn those hobbies into an attitude where you can seek your success.