You have chosen Strength and the 5 of Pentacles. Recently you've been feeling left out in the cold as if you are extremely unlucky and facing the situation of unemployment. This poor me abandoned feeling means that you're health is suffering. You're starting to see things in a disillusioned way and the 5 of Pentacles is a good friendship card and it is time to get rid of the old hangers on and find out who your true friends really are. You are going to gain the help of more and more friends and get rid of those people that are no longer of any use or viable to you in the future. You carelessly frittered away money in the past, haven't we all, but the Strength card is here to say that emotionally and physically you are certainly strong enough to turn things around. You have a physical Strength that is capable of much hard work, but you must maintain control of those very powerful emotions. For you, you've been trying to keep yourself happy by overspending and you need to keep a lid on these emotions. Get in touch with what really makes you happy. Where are your hobbies, where is your sense of fun? You have been extravagant in the past and your generosity has been second nature to you. You are someone who has a lot of ambition and you're a natural leader. You have such a good sense of fun,, you're entertaining personality attracts people to you. You take great pride in what you do and you can work extremely hard and put in the long hours. You've got the energy to keep going on track. You need to get into a position where you've got a hobby that will attract reassurance and praise that you so desperately need. It's time to work out how you can combine who you are, what you want and what you love and care about. Turn it into something of an ambition that creates material security within your life. It's not that difficult.