You have chosen Strength and the 8 of Pentacles. You are someone who is capable of inner and outer Strength and you are quite gifted within a hobby that you should be able to turn into a career for the 8 of Pentacles is explaining to you that you should be self employed if you're not already. You're able to make money via your skills, to work alone, to train to do something that you are already interested in. Something that is stimulating you and makes you feels extremely happy because you are extremely good at it. You are learning to do this on your own, which is skilful. You're carving out your own future and you are physically capable of doing so. You have just got to make sure that you are not too proud. Sometimes you're used to getting your own way just for the sake of it, but within this, you are capable of getting your own way because you know it's right. You're able to see things in an idealised way. It comes from the heart. You have a massive aptitude to commit yourself to your creative ideals. You're always discovering and developing your individual talent and your interest. It is simply your love for the dramatic and you're capable of expressing this through new and big ideas usually to do with a creative project, anything that oozes style. You have an original streak within your personality. There is a childlike quality about you. You are able to enter your work with enthusiasm but in order to make a business, you must be practical. A matter of fact frame of mind will do very well. See things from a sensible viewpoint, try to keep your feet firmly on the ground and take professional advice wherever necessary and don't forget it's important that you create a sense of security with your financial stability. You must be determined and hard working. No one said this was going to be easy but if you're passionate and caring about what you do, then your personality will come out within your work. If you're no good with finances, make sure you take on a professional who is responsible for leading you along the right path. You can develop a responsibility and reliability to those duties and obligations later. The key now is your attitude towards your ambition.