You have chosen Strength and the 8 of Cups. The 8 of cups shows you are moving on through experience. Now is the time for you and this is the time for you to move forwards. You may be leaving behind an emotional gap, abandoning life as you know it, but you know that you've got to walk away and it's time to move on. You've got to clear the decks and make a fresh start. This may mean moving home. It might mean just taking a break. You might after all be looking at a whole change, new country, new home, new language, new people, new job, doesn't matter. You're turning your back on something that was secure and that you knew was right and now it's time to invest in something new and to realise that you're thankful of what's happened in the past but that's the past. Now is the future and it's a new start and things cannot hold you back. This is important that you move forwards. You're going to need the Strength and courage to do so because you could be quite emotional, but you mustn't back off. You must keep going. Good things will start to happen in about a month for once a moon calendar has past you will find that the fulfillment of time shows that you've been powerful and had the periphery to let go of the old. The Strength card is all about your passions and your hobbies. It's about going with your inner child and exploring the things that you're happy to look at. It's about seeing who you are as a person and finding out your own independence, by going for life and having a go instead of keeping your comfort zone. You need to go out there and maintain control of your powerful emotions that could be leading you to want to run back home, but you can be in control of what's happening. Just keep the lid on some of your emotions and if you're feeling a bit down or homesick,keep your privacy and cry to yourself and talk about how you feel on paper as to the emotions you're having, if you're feeling a little homesick, but you can do this for you have such inner and outer Strength and you're so courageous and brave to even attempt this.