You have chosen Strength and the Ace of Cups. The Ace of Cups talks about wonderful new beginnings to deal with a love affair from the heart. This is a card of love. You really do enjoy what you do and it's a very lucky time for you. This is the opportunity for you to bring out some of these wonderful emotions inside of you. The message is that you really can get this just right and this is worth an emotional investment. It can represent the birth of a child or the birth of a new and beautiful emotion for you. Something where you feel that you have a symbol of love from the universe. The happy, emotional nature that all of us enjoy and the joy and the desire and contentment of being alive. It's a really wonderful card. You're being asked to look at your inner and outer Strength and the link here is children once again for the Strength card is connected to Leo and the child inside all of us. It's about our hobbies and our passions and the way in which we're passionate about things that we love and care about. You're being asked to look at your powerful emotions and to really look at keeping a lid on some of these emotions. Maybe you're coming across as just a little bit arrogant at the moment because you are so happy. We're not saying that you should keep quiet, but just think other people may not be going through such a good time. The Strength card is asking you to look at your inner as well as your outer Strength and to look at maintaining control of some of those powerful emotions, those things that cause you to feel you just want to shout from the rooftops but you know that would be a little bit childish. However, this is exactly what the Strength card is saying. You have a tendency occasionally to be a little childish. Be careful that that childlike quality does not turn into something of a tantrum or something that others would see as being a little bit bossy. This is all about containing and controlling your emotions and only revealing the true you, to someone who you feel will accept that passionate desire to express yourself.