You have chosen Justice and the 2 of Cups. Both the Justice card and the 2 of cups is about relationships and partnerships. It's about liberation within the partnership or relationship that you're embarking upon. The Justice card is about law and order and keeping things equal and fair. It is sometimes thought that Justice is a two edged sword and what is 'fair' is not necessarily what is 'just'. The 2 of cups tells us that you are in a happy relationship whether this is a business partnership or a love affair from the heart. It means that there is a togetherness and a bonding. There is a situation around you where the two of you pull together in exactly the same way, which means that everybody is reliable, honest, and pulling together in a honourable fashion. It is a time for you to be reasonable and impartial. Any decisions you make right now will be dealt with fairly and always with your best interests at heart. You are quite diplomatic and you hate anything ugly and can't abide rows or difficult situations or atmospheres with anybody. For you everything must be in harmony and balance. One to one affairs will be harmonious. If you're in a professional partnership then you are linked up with somebody who is of a like mind to you. You express your true energy and spirit by working with others. You make an excellent diplomat and a peacemaker where everything is in balance within your personal and professional life. You have a willingness to harmonise rather than antagonise but you have a reputation of being a little indecisive. You are very professional and express your energy in a cool, courteous and refined manner. you're very well behaved in public and sometimes you reflect a magnificent but impossibly idealistic longing for such a perfect world. You are sometimes doomed to be frequently disappointed by the inconsistencies of human nature, you are prepared to fight with commitment for what you feel is just, fair and ideal. The trouble is, that no relationship is capable of sustaining uninterrupted harmony which leaves you open to frequent disappointments. You constantly believe that we can be better or more decent than we truly are.