You have chosen Justice and the 10 of Wands. The Justice card is about law and order, equality or civil law. If you have a legal matter around you and you are looking to be liberated and for the outcome to be just or fair, remember that Justice is a two edged sword. What is just may not be fair. The Justice card is linked to the star sign Libra which deals with relationships and partnerships. Whether it is a legal matter or a relationship or a partnership the 10 of wands shows that you are carrying the complete burden here. You can't see the woods for the trees anymore. you're too proud an independent to ask for help and you're carrying a heavy burden. This load is too much for one person. you're being a little bit proud and selfish and you're not asking for any help. This is because you lack trust of other people, but unfortunately you're becoming burnt out. It is time to rest. Your body is physically worn out. You need to go back and delegate and ask for some help, whether this is from someone else or from a professional person. Perhaps teamwork is necessary here, but the outcome is that you are becoming tired and that this is no longer productive for your body. This physical exhaustion is causing you to not think or act clearly. Your emotions are all over the place and because you are tired you're not thinking with tactics that are going to win. If it's a relationship it shows that it's one sided and you're doing all the work. Do you really want this for yourself or do you want something that is more equal. During a business partnership the same thing applies. You are doing all the work. What's happening to the other person. you're too tired to even bother to look at it because you're trying so hard to keep up. You must take some time out, rest and look at the situation. By taking some time out you will see the answers are clear, but because you've been so tired you've been unable to do anything about it. Perhaps what's needed here is a little holiday or a short break when you can get matters back on track.