You have chosen Justice and the Page of Wands. You're looking for law and order within your life right now for Justice works with Libra which is to do with relationships and partnerships. In your case this may be linked to work, for your looking for liberation, you have an ideology of how life can be, you are looking for things to be in harmony and balance, making you secure in the knowledge that there is a safe place in waiting for you. you're working towards your future but Justice can be a two edged sword so what is just may not necessarily be fair. You are someone who likes action. you're not content sitting around. The more adventure that comes into your life the better for you right now. There are messages coming your way to do with work. You have a very fixed focus and a huge love of travel. This is because you are boisterous and a bit of an extrovert. This news of travel involves people looking at you for it means that you're a great communicator and you love having people listen to what you have to say. Indeed the more of an audience there is the better, so if your work involves anything to do with broadcasting, using a microphone, reading or using your telephone manner to sell, you will do extremely well for it is about using your voice to communicate to those around you for it is that that you do best. Anything where you can use your voice to communicate would work best for you, particularly to do with matters of work. You have a love of the outdoors and you have a lot of enthusiasm for it. You have the energy to by physically creative. This means that you are skilful, such as building work, carpentry, sports, gardening, cookery, those kind of things are where your hobbies can make you a fortune, but it is early days for you're represented at the moment as a page which means you have a little bit more to learn. There is more maturity and knowledge to be gained you're going about it, in the right way. It means you haven't quite got there just yet so the more harmony and balance going on around you the better. This is a time for you to communicate and be diplomatic about your skills. The more you shout from the rooftops about what you can do, the more people will hear you and opportunities will roll into your life.