You have chosen Justice and the Page of Swords. The Justice card is as it says, it's about balance, harmony, law and order. Everything is about equality but Justice is a two edged sword and what is 'just' may not be 'fair'. The Justice card works with the star sign Libra which deals with relationships and partnerships. It's the liberation to have huge ideals and for things to be in harmony and balance. you're being urged to be reasonable and impartial with yourself. Any decisions that you make now must be dealt with fairly and rationally and with everybody's interest at heart, particularly yours. Order needs to be restored to the situation. This is a good time for you if you're about to start a new enterprise or venture, particularly if it involves a partnership or relationship because it shows that everyone around you is indeed acting in the best interest and the matters are just, balanced and fair. You're still experiencing minor setbacks. Perhaps there are gossips around you. You know there's an infancy in this matter and that you need to just have a little bit more knowledge and experience in order to proceed with this matter for it is too early yet to make up any conclusions. You are quite clever but you need to go on a journey for some experience of life. This involves a lot of minor setbacks, which will be irritable and annoying but you will learn through this experience the basic principles of harmony, for you will have to work hard to restore order and balance in your environment. You will learn to organise and make some positive changes to those around you. you've got some very good personal goals which need to be defined for you have a vision of how to make things better and happier, you just need more time. This is very early days.