You have chosen Justice and the 9 of Wands. The Justice card is dealing with either your relationships or partnerships and it is to do with liberating and ideology of how you see the world. Do remember that Justice is a two edged sword, what is just may not be fair and so if you have any legal matters around you where you're dealing with law and order or equality or matters of civil law then on this occasion you are probably working very hard for a positive outcome. The 9 of Wands shows that you've worked extremely hard but you're defending a situation without any success. This is starting to become a bit of a problem. you've worked really hard but you're doing too much and are becoming worn out. Your stubbornness is causing you to not see that it's time to surrender. you're fighting a losing battle here. Perhaps you're trying to protect what is yours. Perhaps you're feeling oppressed, but it is actually making you tired and exhausted and you're battered and bruised, but you're still trying to battle on. you're trying to hang on to protect what has already got completely out of hand. The advice here is to let go. If this is to do with a relationship it shows that you are doing all the hard work, that you are simply trying to be fair to the other person but the other person, is not being fair to you. You need to realise this is going nowhere fast. It is to the detriment of your physical health where you're exhausted and unable to plan, in your usual diplomatic way, a strategy to win. You can't win them all, remember that and if you continue putting the effort into this you will find that there is nothing left, so maybe it's time to start new tactics and to give up and go and put your positive energy into something much more worthwhile.