You have chosen Justice and the 9 of Swords. The 9 of Swords explains there is a lot of mental anguish around you. You are suffering from sleepless nights. It's almost as if you fear the final result. This paranoia is leading for you not to be rested and so during the day you are not thinking clearly either. This is because you are tired, mentally exhausted from worrying yourself into something that you cannot change by just thought alone. If you want to help yourself you need to take action and if you want to help somebody else you need to be asked first, particularly if it's an adult. The Justice card explains that you must get things in proportion and maybe things are out of balance. What is just may not be fair. Think about that. It's a two edged sword. Fair and just. you've got to work out exactly what it is you're trying to achieve here. Look at things, get things in balance, particularly with your personal life. Try and make sure that you're a person of action and not just thinking and getting yourself into a tiz about something that hasn't even happened yet. If you want to help the situation you must mean it and take action. This is about an idealised situation, where you really need to be impartial. You need to treat someone with respect and with a code of ethics and morals that you feel are fair and balanced, rationally for both of you. The best interest at heart here are certainly something that could have a wider interpretation that you're thinking. Deal with things fairly and rationally, particularly when it comes to someone else and try to restore any situations where chaos or confusion has been blown out of proportion. Try to act in a way that is honest and with integrity for maybe, things have been misunderstood or even misrepresented. It's time to clear the air and to try and be as honest as you can for a more favourable outcome for everybody and stop worrying. It doesn't do any good. Action is better than sleepless nights so if there's something you can do, do it.